Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chapter Four: Only a Dream Waiting to Happen

Crackhead in Love

Chapter Four: Only a Dream Waiting to Happen

A/N: D Thanks for your reviews. I’m happy that you all like how the story is turning out. Also, I am starting a story (I’ve only written two chapters; I think I am going to finish the story before I post it up) in which Michael is a senior at Columbia, Mia is a freshman, including some weird twists. Hopefully, the material I use hasn’t been too hackneyed.

So, what do you all think of Princess in Pink? I was glad to see that there was a lot more Michael in it. I have lost a lot of respect for Lilly though. /

Saturday, October 4, 2 p.m.

Guess what?


Not like that’s a first or anything but right after Mia left, Lilly knocked on my door.

"Yeah?" I yelled, considering that the Moldy Peaches was blaring from my stereo.

"Michael!! Open the door!" exclaimed Lilly. I, of course, wanted to know what she wanted. She almost never knocked on my door. Thank God.

"And why should I do that?" I said, putting the song on pause.

"Well, I wanted to tell you something important!" Lilly screeched in her oh-so unattractive voice. I rolled my eyes and rose from my bed. I opened the door and Lilly was standing, her hands on her hips.

"What?" I said grumpily.

"You know how I asked Mia last night if she would choose you or Josh Richter?" I rolled my eyes once again and nodded my head.

"…And your point is?"

"She told me she chose Josh," Lilly said smugly, looking even more like a pug than usual.

"Yeah, so what?" I said, doing my best and (successfully!) masking my disappointment.

"I just thought that you’d want to know," Lilly said, smirking.

"Why would I care if Mia wants to spend her life after a nuclear war with that Backstreet Boy wannabe?" I said impatiently. Lilly gave me a forceful shove and walked out. As I rubbed the spot she had clawed, I couldn’t help but think why Lilly would tell me. I mean, she doesn’t know that I love…I mean, like Mia.

No, she couldn’t possibly know.

Saturday, October 4, night

I was online putting the finishing touches on an article about the ozone layer when Mia, of all people, Instant Messages me. Me. Sadly, she wasn’t doing so to tell me she liked me or if I wanted to go to dinner with her or something. She just wanted me to get off-line so she could call Lilly. Plus, she likes Josh Richter. She’ll probably never like me because I’m probably the biggest nerd she knows.

CracKing: What do you want, Thermopolis?

FtLouie: I want to talk to Lilly. Please go off-line so I can call her.

I started getting curious.

CracKing: What do you want to talk to her about?

FtLouie: None of your business. Just go off-line, please. You can’t hog all the lines of communication to yourself. It isn’t fair.

CracKing: No one ever said life was fair, Thermopolis. What are you doing home, anyway? What’s the matter? Dreamboy didn’t call?

FtLouie: Who’s Dreamboy?

CracKing: You know, your postnuclear Armageddon life-mate of choice, Josh Richter.

OK, I admit, I was a bit mean. But I was mad. No, disappointed. Very disappointed.

FtLouie: Would you please go off-line so I can call Lilly??

CracKing: What’s the matter, Thermopolis? Did I strike a nerve?

And she logged off.

Jesus, I suck.

But then, a few minutes later, I logged off too. I mean, I didn’t want Mia to be even madder at me.

I’ve written a new song. It’s not too bad. Not my best either. It’s called, "She Never Knew." Yet another one about a guy (me) who is in love with a girl (Mia) but she doesn’t know.

And maybe she’ll never know.

Tuesday, October 7

I haven’t written in three days.

Usually, I would have a good reason. But I don’t.

There was a calculus test yesterday. We got our results back and (amazingly), I got a higher score than Judith Gershner did. And she spent quite a bit of time sulking. And quite a bit of time staring at me. Why is it that girls always think that us guys don’t notice when someone of the opposite or same sex stares at them incessantly?

The mysteries of life.

There hasn’t really been much to write about.

There’s a new member in the Computer Club. Her name is Anita Shinn. She’s a freshman, I think. And I also think that Judith is her role model. I met her today and she looks amazingly like Judith; they both have the same dark curly hair and both, I noticed, flutter their eyelashes a lot.

I also had a Mia-related dream last night. I was sleeping in my bed when I felt someone stroking my cheek. Before opening my eyes, I felt alarmed because people don’t usually stroke other people’s cheeks when people are sleeping. And I don’t think that really made sense. So, I slowly opened my eyes and to my utter delight, Mia was the one stroking my cheek. And it actually felt rather nice after I realized it was Mia. Mia smiled at me and told me to get out of bed. Of course I jumped out. Then, she took hold of my larger hand with her smaller, soft hand and the next thing I know, we’re both in this meadow. And there are pink rabbits bouncing around. Normally, that would scare me. But in my dream, it all felt so natural. Then, Mia leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I’m dressing up as Buffy for Halloween."

Only in my dreams. Literally.

What is there to write?

I enjoy dreams involving Mia and pink bunnies.

Jesus, I did not just write that.

A/N: Please review! )

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