Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chapter Six: The Moon Never Sleeps

The Crackhead Chronicles

Chapter Six: The Moon Never Sleeps

A/N: Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ahh. Thank you all so, so much for your reviews. D

Sunday, October 12, late

Lilly won’t shut up about the "racism happenings at Ho’s Deli."

She’s making such a big deal out of five freaking cents.

I honestly do not know why we’re even related. Maybe my real sister was mixed up with Lilly.

But no, I get a perfectly hostile, selfish, idiotic sister. Named Lilly.

"I can’t believe Mia! I don’t know what’s wrong with her these days!" Lilly exclaimed angrily. "Ever since her dad came, she’s been acting like a total head case!"

"What is this all about anyway?" I said. "Are you just mad at her because she won’t support your Ho’s Deli thing?"

"The Hos are just as bad as the Nazis! Racism gets you nowhere!"

"Lilly! The Hos aren’t even a little bit like the Nazis," I said, sounding frustrated.

"It’s the principle of the thing, Michael!" Lilly barked back. "Where would we be if we continue to let racist actions take place in our own neighborhoods!?" I just shook my head and left her standing. I swear, sometimes I feel like kicking her or something. But that stopped at age thirteen. I’m a mature almost-adult.

I am a sixteen-year-old. I will not resort to violence to solve conflict.

Though it’s hard to resist. And I mean HARD.

Anyway, I just talked to Mia online.

Yes, Mia. Not Judith, not Kenny, not Felix…


CracKing: Hey Thermopolis. What happened to you last night? It’s like you went mental, or something.

Well, she kind of did.

FtLouie: For your information, I did not go mental. I just got tired of your sister always telling me what to do. Not that it’s any of your business.

But, Mia, I want to make it my business. I want to be there for you. I want to protect you from my evil sister. I want to be the Han Solo to your Princess Leia. The Spike to your Buffy.

Well, actually, Buffy never really loved Spike so forget that part.

CracKing: What are you being so snotty about? Of course it’s my business. I live with her, don’t I?

Painfully true.

FtLouie: Why? Is she talking about me?

CracKing: You could say that.

FtLouie: What’s she saying?

CracKing: I thought it wasn’t any of my business.

FtLouie: It isn’t. What’s she saying about me?

I didn’t want to be too blunt. And hurt her feelings.

CracKing: That she doesn’t know what’s wrong with you these days, but ever since your dad came to visit you’ve been acting like a head case.

FtLouie: Me? A head case? What about her? She’s the one who’s always criticizing me. I’m so sick of it!! If she wants to be my friend, why can’t she accept me the way I am??

CracKing: No need to yell.

FtLouie: I’m not yelling!!

Um. Yes you are.

CracKing: You’re using excessive amounts of punctuation, and on-line, that’s like yelling. Besides, she’s not the only one criticizing. She says you won’t support her boycott of Ho’s Deli.


Was I defending Lilly?

FtLouie: Well, she’s right. I won’t. It’s stupid. Don’t you think it’s stupid?


I then figured that we should stop talking about Lilly and more about…us.

No! Her algebra. That’s part of my brilliant plan, you see. Get closer to Mia by offering to tutor her in Algebra.

Subtle but not too subtle.

CracKing: Sure it’s stupid. Are you still flunking Algebra?

I now realize how random that must’ve sounded.

FtLouie: I guess so. But considering the fact that Mr. G slept over last night, I’ll probably scrape by with a D. Why?

CracKing: What? Mr. G slept over? At your place? What was that like?

FtLouie: It was pretty awful. But then he joked around, and made it okay. I don’t know. I should probably be more mad, but my mom’s so happy, it’s hard.

CracKing: Your mom could so a lot worse than Mr. G. Imagine if she was going out with Mr. Stuart.

Mr. Stuart is the sophomore Health teacher. He spends most of his days attempting to feel girls’ bra straps.

And just feeling girls in general.

FtLouie: Ha ha ha. Why’d you want to know whether or not I’m flunking Algebra?

I took a deep breath before replying. It needed to sound extremely nonchalant.

CracKing: Oh, because I’m done with this month’s issue of Crackhead, and I thought if you wanted, I could tutor you during G & T. If you wanted.

FtLouie: Wow, that would be great! Thanks!

The biggest grin was on my face by that point.

CracKing: Don’t mention it. Hang in there, Thermopolis.

The Moscovitz strikes again!

A/N: Please review! Sorry that the chapter was so short, though.

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