Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chapter Two: Confessions of a Beautiful Mind

The Crackhead Chronicles

Chapter Two: Confessions of a Beautiful Mind

A/N: Quite possibly, my expectations were much too high. But thanks to everyone who reviewed!

Sunday, September 28

Last night wasn’t as bad as I thought it might have been. I met Judith and the rest of the Computer Club at the entrance of the dollar theater. We all paid for our tickets and found seats in the middle of the theater. The theater was more crowded than I had expected, most people choosing to sit in the front rows. I sat down with Judith on my left and this tall junior, Paul, on my right.

Throughout the movie, I couldn’t help but notice that Judith kept looking at me with her big, bulbous, brown eyes. I tried to ignore it but she was making it pretty obvious. As I watched Goldfinger, I felt someone’s fingers touching my knee. For a split second, I thought it might’ve been Paul…but he had a girlfriend. So, that’s when I turned to Judith and she was smiling eerily at me.

Not to make it too obvious, I slowly slid my leg away, toward Paul’s direction. Paul must’ve noticed this because he shot me a weird look. I realized that he might’ve thought that I was trying to…snuggle with him or something.


So, Judith likes trying to feel me up or something and Paul must think I have homosexual tendencies. Perfect. Just plain perfect.

The movie, which I’ve seen fifteen times and counting, was excellent, of course. Afterward, we all went to Around the Clock for some pancakes. They make awesome (and cheap) pancakes…around the clock. I managed not to sit next to Judith because I thought she might try to caress me again. As I sat between Suzanne Chang and Shaun Waldorf, I couldn’t help but let my mind drift onto the thought of Mia.

I don’t know how pancakes make me think of Mia but they do. Maybe it was that one time when we (Lilly, Mia, and me) were all sitting, eating chocolate chip pancakes on a Saturday morning, when Mia and I both stabbed at the same pancake at the same time. I insisted that she have it and she insisted that I have it. So, we just split it, earning a weird look from Lilly.

And how do I remember that, especially considering the fact that the pancake thing happened when I was…thirteen? But I didn’t have a crush on Mia yet. No, I still liked Samantha Baker. I honestly don’t know what I ever found likable in Samantha. She was a shallow, self-centered cheerleader. Kind of like Gwen Shayne. I used to offer to carry her books and walk her home (Samantha’s, that is).

I’m kind of glad that she started going out with Josh Richter because I finally realized what a bad match we might have been. And I noticed that Josh never offered to carry her books. But, then again, Josh and I are not, and never will be, alike. Thank God.

Josh is the guy I’ve never wanted to be. He’s popular, superficial, artificial, unintelligent…and a jock. I’m not into organized sports at all (I was once on a Pee Wee hockey team though). And being popular doesn’t make him well liked or respected…he’s just well known throughout AEHS. He’s never without a girlfriend and has gone through all of the cheerleaders, currently dating a freshman named Lana Weinberger (she’s the JV cheerleading team captain, I think). Josh is the kind of guy that you usually want or want to be. And I feel negative both ways.

As soon as we paid the bill for our three stacks of pancakes, we all departed from Around the Clock. Not before Judith pulled me aside to talk to me though.

Judith: Hey, Michael…Um. Tonight was really great.

Me: Oh. Yeah. I guess so.

Judith: We should really go out…for pancakes again, I mean.

Me: You mean, just the two of us?

Judith: (her face flushed) W-what? No. I meant with the Computer Club.

Me: Oh. Right. (not really believing her)

Judith: So, see you on Monday?

Me: Yeah. Bye. (starts walking away)

Why can’t she just leave me in my miserable state of mind?

Monday, September 29, History

You know what…or rather, who, I’m thinking about right now?

If you guessed Mia Thermopolis, you would be correct!

When I think of Mia, everything but the image of her glowing face is erased from my mind. And, if I’m feeling sad or mad at that moment, every horrible thought turns into happy, bright ones filled with me and Mia waltzing in a flower garden, the wind blowing through our hair.

I did not just write that.

Wednesday, October 1, G&T

Mrs. Hill is actually in the classroom. Wow. The teacher’s lounge (where Mrs. Hill usually retreats to during fifth period) is having its carpet shampooed; Mrs. Hill is looking through a furniture catalog while looking up every once and awhile to see if we’re all doing…what we’re supposed to be doing. So, I’m stuck working on Crackhead, Boris is busy driving us all insane with his violin-playing, and it seems that Lilly and Mia are passing notes.

I wonder what they’re writing. In fact, I’m bored enough to make a fake "notes conversation."

Lilly—Oh my God, your brother is SO hot!

Mia, I’m only going to ruin your thoughts because I’m bossy and impatient, and I love ignoring people’s opinions and thoughts. Ugh. How gross.

I wonder if he already has a girlfriend.

Michael’s one popular guy with the ladies but now, he’s single. But he’s also the sweetest, smartest guy to have ever walked the planet.

Do you think I should go up to him and start making out with him? He’s one hot piece of ass.

Yeah, in my wildest dreams.

A/N: So, what did you think? Please review!

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