Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chapter One: Oh, What a Day

The Crackhead Chronicles

Chapter One: Oh, What a Day!

A/N: I’m ba-ack…sinister piano music Well, I have decided to do Michael’s POV throughout the first Princess Diaries book and, since Michael isn’t in the original book that much, I’ll have a lot of creative input. But, sadly, in addition to my newfound input, the updates may take a bit longer than with Crackhead In Love. I hope you all like it! D

Thursday, September 25

I think I like Mia.

No, not only think: I do like Mia. Out of all of the girls at Albert Einstein High School, why did I have to develop a crush on my little sister’s best friend? I mean, I’m a regular guy and she’s a regular girl.

No…she’s far from being a regular girl. She’s just…different from all of the girls at AEHS. Unlike girls like Lana Weinberger, Mia isn’t obsessed with her looks and she’s just…not like the snobby cheerleaders.

And, of course, I cannot let anyone know of my feelings for Mia. Not Lilly. Not Felix. Not Judith. Not Mia. Definitely not Lilly. There are many pros and cons to liking Mia. I get to see her all of the time because she comes over a few times a week and sleeps over (and I "forget"to put a shirt on whenever she comes over…heh heh). I could never tell Lilly though. But, then again, why would I ever tell Lilly? We don’t exactly have the best relationship. We argue constantly, like brothers and sisters are supposed to, I guess. Plus, she would tell Mia and then Mia would probably freak out and stop coming to the apartment. And that would suck.

Mia came over today and I found out some really interesting news. I was looking for something to eat in the refrigerator when Mia starts talking about how her mom is going out with Mr. Gianni, the freshman Algebra teacher. Oh yes, that’s another thing: Mia’s a freshman and I’m a senior. The moment I heard my parents asking Mia how she felt about her mom going out with her teacher, I started laughing. Not quietly, either.

"Your mom is dating Frank Gianni?" I managed to say through my laughs. She then started begging me not to tell anyone. She looked so gorgeous and pleading, I found it kind of hard to resist…hugging her or something. She’s such a beautiful, different girl. She’s not your cookie-cutter beautiful but still…wow. And I get to see her during Gifted and Talented class, which isn’t really much of a class so much as a period to hang out and talk. I’m supposed to use the fifth period to work on my webzine, Crackhead. Mia uses it to work on her Algebra homework. Despite my utter affection for her (ha ha), Mia does have some flaws. But, doesn’t everyone?

We have some things in common, including our uniting against this new Russian student, Boris Pelkowsi, and his violin. I heard that he played in Carnegie Hall when he was twelve and is some sort of music genius. Cool.

"What’ll you do for me, huh, Thermopolis?" I said, a smirk on my face. "What’ll you do for me?" After a few moments of this and her offering to do things like walk my sheltie, Pavlov, and take my Mom’s empty Tab cans to Gristedes, I just sort of rolled my eyes.

"Forget it, okay, Thermopolis?" And I walked back to my room, heavily disappointed. I would’ve very much wanted for her to suggest making out with me or something (sorry, sorry, hormones are taking over my seventeen year old mind) but I guess that my crush on her is unrequited.

I started teaching myself to play the guitar over the summer and everything sort of progressed from there. Thank God for soundproof walls and windows. I’ve written about six songs, all of them being about Mia, of course. The first song I wrote about her is called, "Tall Drink of Water" and it isn’t too bad if I do say so myself. Who knows? Maybe I’ll get the courage to sing it to her someday.

Ha, I wish.

Friday, September 26


(compiled during English Lit, with commentary by Felix Matthews)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (agree—but dude, Buffy’s a fictional character made up for the horrible movie and the excellent TV series, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy)

Xena the Warrior Princess (disagree—something about Lucy Lawless bugs me, like the fact she reminds me of that wrestler Chyna or whatever. And, again, a fictional character made for a TV series. The girl who played Gabrielle was pretty fine though)

Natalie Portman (agree—I mean, she was in two Stars Wars movies after all)

Tyra Banks (agree—hell yeah! I am a testosterone-filled teenage male, after all)

Jessica Biel (agree—she may have been on 7th Heaven but she’s still hot)

Julia Stiles (agree—I haven’t seen any of her movies but she is hot…maybe you’ll see her at Columbia. Or she may have graduated by that time)

Rogue from X-Men (disagree—DUDE! She’s a cartoon character!)

Mademoiselle Klein (agree—she could whisper French profanity into my ear and I’d still think she was gorgeous)

Tennessee from The Like (WHO??)

Lucy Liu (agree—Charlie’s Angels was…wow)

Friday, September 26, 6 p.m.

If I could have chosen, Mia would’ve been at the top of my "Hottest Girls List" (which, really, was rather superficial and shallow of me to make but Felix and I were bored). But I, of course, couldn’t let Felix know this. He may be one of my closest friends but he’s also the male equivalent of…my sister (but Felix is much more tolerable). He’s a kind of loud, very opinionated person.

I’ve been trying to find inspiration for Crackhead and my songs. My muse is, obviously, Mia. For Crackhead, I tend to steer into the less, erm, personal matters and delve deep into political issues concerning teenagers. But not only teenagers…otherwise, I wouldn’t have sponsors. I guess Lilly and I are more alike than I had thought. We both have opinions on things, though our thoughts clash most of the time.

My music is neither light and poppy nor dark and depressing. I’d consider it to be classified as steering into the music range concerning love (well, actually, most songs are about love, if not all). I think the thing I’m going for is making music that is catchy and people can enjoy. Not Britney Spears catchy though.

Oh, God, that’d be scary.

Saturday, September 27, 3:50 p.m.

Judith just called me.

Me: Hello?

Judith: Hi. How are you, Michael?

Me: Um. Good.

Judith: Cool.

Me: (brief pause) Yeah. Uh, who is this?

Judith: OH! This is Judith. Judith Gersher…you know…

Me: Oh, hey, Judith. What’s up? Did you want to talk about something concerning the Computer Club?

Judith: Oh, no. I was, um, wondering if you wanted to go to the movies tonight. With the rest of the Computer Club, I mean.

Me: Oh. Sounds…fun.

Judith: So, you want to come?

Me: Yeah, I guess so. Sure.

Judith: Really?

Me: Um. Yes.

Judith: OK, meet us at the entrance to the dollar theater. Goldfinger is playing at 7 so be there around 6:45.

Me: OK. Bye.

Judith: Bye.

Well, I guess I actually have something to do tonight. Wow.

A/N: Yes, I know…extremely boring, right? It’ll get better…hopefully (heh heh). Please review! )

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