Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chapter Seven: i want you to want me

Crackhead in Confusion

Chapter Seven: i want you to want me

A/N: Thank you all for your reviews!


Wednesday, October 29, Homeroom

Hormones are very strange, powerful things.

Lilly and I were standing in front of our apartment building, waiting for Mia to pick us up in her limo, like she does just about every morning. I saw the limo and pointed it out. Lilly walked to the door, opened it, and got in. I quickly followed in after all. Lilly looked across the seat and the Pop Tart she had been chewing dropped right out of her mouth. I looked up and my mouth gaped open a little too.

There was this guy with overalls and a flannel shirt, sitting next to Mia. My first thought was: Is that her BOYFRIEND?! But then Mia must've noticed our expressions (but, really, they weren't hard to miss) and quickly introduced the plaid-clad guy as her cousin Hank, from Versailles, Indiana. Though it isn't pronounced "ver-sigh." No, in Indiana the town's name is pronounced exactly how it looks: "ver sales."

But, hey, who am I to judge a town?

Wednesday, October 29, G & T

Oh, God. Lilly's really going to get it now.

Yeah. She and Hank? Yeah, they're gone.

They've gone missing.

I just know it. Lilly has officially gone crazy in my book. I noticed her being excessively flirty with him throughout lunch (though I was sitting with the Computer Club, as always, so I couldn't exactly hear what she was saying). But I swear that I saw her mouth the words interesting and Transit Museum in the same sentence. And that's how I knew that she is insane.

But, now that I think about it, the situation is rather amusing. Who would've known? The bitchy sister of Michael Moscovitz and Hank, the country boy from Indiana, are missing. Mia doesn't seem to find it as amusing as I do though. Boris finds the situation extremely depressing. I mean, if I were him and my girlfriend (though that girlfriend wouldn't be Lilly for obvious reasons) left with some "hot farmer dude from Versailles" (as I overheard Gwen Shayne saying to one of her fellow cheerleaders), I would be sad too. He won't stop playing Mahler and even Mrs. Hill agrees that shutting him in the closet is the best way to keep our sanity.

She let up sneak into the gym and steal some exercise mats to help muffle the sound. But, unfortunately, it isn't working and the constant playing is driving me crazy myself.

"For all we know, Lilly and Hank could've been kidnapped by Libyan terrorists," Mia said, extremely convinced.

"I find that highly unlikely, Mia," I said, shaking my head. "It's more reasonable to assume that they're enjoying an afternoon of skipping class and watching a showing at the Sony Imax Theater." She didn't seem to believe this though, and went back to doing whatever she had been doing before we started speaking. Writing, I think.

Maybe in a journal. Like me.

Wednesday, October 29, 6 p.m.

Okay, everything's all right. Lilly came back a little before five, which is what I said when Mia called, sounding concerned. I asked her what the hell she was doing for the last few periods of the day and all I could get out of her before she slammed her bedroom door on my face was, "Just walking around." Yeah, I'm so sure, Lilly.

I've been talking to Judith for the last fifteen minutes and she won't let me get a word in before basically answering herself or asking more questions.

SCINCERULZ: Hey, Michael!


CracKing: Hey.

SCINCERULZ: What's up?

CracKing: Not much. Just working on Crackhead.

SCINCERULZ: Oh! Cool. I really loved last month's issue.

CracKing: Thanks.

SCINCERULZ: Yeah, so Halloween's in two days. I can't wait to go the Rocky Horror.

CracKing: Yeah, me too.

SCINCERULZ: Oh, so Lilly and Boris are coming?

SCINCERULZ: Oh! Yeah, they are. Suzanne is bringing Paul, I think. And isn't Mia coming?

SCINCERULZ: Oh, yeah, she is. This is going to be cool. Don't you think?


She, of course, typed all of this in a matter of twenty seconds so it was really kind of difficult to reply without her shooting out more questions and answering them herself.

CracKing: Hi. Hey, I'm going to go. Bye.

Then, of course, I just logged into my other username, InOurDarkestHour, and continued working on Crackhead. I've been writing this small little article about how trick-or-treating isn't only for kids and that people of all ages (or, rather, people under eighteen) deserve free candy once in awhile. It's pretty pointless but I haven't really thought of many good topics to write about lately. Maybe that's because all I've been thinking about is Mia.

Well, not really. I've also been writing some new songs and reading some books by Issac Asimov. There's a collection of his books in the library and I've been hoping to buy them at the end-of-year book sale. And, I don't have demerits and students with no demerits get a discount on books at the sale. So, I'm pretty sure this is going to be a good school year. Until, you know, it ends and I go off to college. Then I won't be able to see Mia everyday.

So, now I am drinking hot cocoa with cinnamon and Maya's making some gingerbread men. Only God knows why she's making them in October. But Maya loves to make dessert: it's one of the many things she's excellent at and she knows it. She's a really great, kind woman. I think I'll miss her too when I leave for college.

Hey, I'll probably miss everyone.

But I won't miss anyone more than Mia.

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