Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chapter One: you will return to me

Crackhead in Confusion

Chapter One: you will return to me

A/N: Since you guys wanted a sequel to The Crackhead Chronicles, here it is (and it is, obviously, the prequel to my first story, Crackhead in Love)! Enjoy and hopefully you’ll review with constructive criticism and comments (and hopefully praise…P)!

Monday, October 20, 7:45 a.m.

You know what’s even worse than public displays of affection?

Seeing your parents being all cuddly and affectionate. Seriously. I mean, I can usually tolerate my parents when they’re normal but this morning, they started acting all weird, kissing and hugging each other every few moments. There are some things seriously wrong in my life:

My parents are overly affectionate with each other.

I have a highly annoying, nosy sister.

I’m not exactly the most social person you could meet.

And…oh yeah, I’m in love with my little sister’s best friend. Oh, and she also happens to be the Princess of Genovia.

Yes, that’s right: she’s a princess.

Anyway, as if her being a princess isn’t hard enough, she’s also the most amazing girl I know. What would she ever see in me, Michael Moscovitz? Nothing. But we did do all of that slow-dancing at the Cultural Diversity Dance two days ago and we talked for the longest time.

Like I wrote before, Saturday was the best night of my life. Nothing can really top that.

Except, of course, the day Mia tells me she loves me. But at this rate, that’ll be never.

She liked Josh Richter and I have nothing in common with him. I’m not popular, athletic (well, I do take a run twice a week but I don’t play organized sports), or have almost every girl at Albert Einstein High School swooning over me. Though, I guess in the long run that’s for the better.

Because I only want one girl swooning over me. No, forget that. I don’t want her swooning over me.

I want her to love me.

I need her to love me.

I mean, she liked Josh Richter.

Why can’t she love me?

Monday, October 20, Homeroom

M—You and "Princess Amelia" were looking pretty…friendly Saturday night. Give Felix all of the details, man! –F

F—There’s nothing to…give. Mia’s just my little sister’s best friend. And, yeah, sure, my friend too. Nothing else.

Dude, there was definitely more than "friendliness" happening there. You looked like you…were in love with her or something. Be honest.

I am. Being honest, I mean. In love with Mia? That’s as likely as you being in love with…Lilly!

Ha ha. But seriously, you have a thing for her, don’t you? Just admit it!

No! She’s just a friend. Only a friend.

Monday, October 20, English Lit

"Okay, class. Now that I’ve had the chance to know you in class, I’d like you to fill me in on your life outside of class. What are some important details that define you as a person?" Well, at least Mrs. Castelli isn’t making us make our own journals, like we had to do in freshman year. But God knows I lied my way through that journal.

Sex? Four times a day!

Okay, kidding about that part but do the English teachers honestly expect us to tell them about everything happening in our personal lives?

Plus, the fact sheet she gave us to fill out is the exact same one we had to fill out as freshmen.

Seniors and freshmen? They’re not the same!

NAME: Michael Robert Moscovitz

Known to peers as Michael. NEVER Mike, Mikey, M & M, etc.

AGE: Sixteen—seventeen in January

YR IN SCHOOL: Senior, or 12th if you want to get all specific

SEX: Male…I think. Okay, little joke, Sharon. But, I’m a male. Seriously.


Six feet, one inch

Floppy, sort of curly, dark brown hair

Dark brown eyes

Pale, pale skin

Medium build (not Sid Vicious thin but not Fabio muscular either…Thank God)

MOTHER: Elaine Moscovitz

OCCUPATION: Psychoanalyst/Psychologist

FATHER: Landon Moscovitz

OCCUPATION: Psychoanalyst/Psychologist

PARENTS’ MARITAL STATUS: Married. Happily, thank you very much (I can only testify for their positively gruesome affection this morning at breakfast)

PETS: One Sheltie, named Pavlov. He is, obviously, named after the Russian scientist who used dogs and bells to prove there was such a thing as conditioned response and treatment.

BEST FRIEND: Best friend? Felix Matthews, I guess. We’ve been best friends since third grade, ever since Felix gave Josh Richter a bloody nose for taking my chocolate pudding. Too bad that Josh managed to kick Felix in the nether region before they were both suspended.

GIRLFRIEND: I am currently unattached (in simpler terms, I am single…for the time being)

ADDRESS: An apartment on Fifth Avenue. I won’t go into the details too much. The apartment is fairly large and is in the biggest apartment building on Fifth Avenue. During winter break, my family usually stays at my grandparents’ retirement home, which is in Florida.

I have a truly sad life.

Still Monday, G & T

"Oh, my God! Is there something about your date with Josh Richter that you didn’t tell me?" Lilly exclaimed loudly, staring at the screen of Mia’s computer. I was curious as to what Lilly thought had happened so I listened in. Well, it wasn’t exactly hard, to be honest. I could’ve heard Lilly from a mile away.

"Oh, my God, Mia, why didn’t you tell me?"

"I-I’m doing an extra-credit report for Biology," Mia said in a pretty unconvincing tone. Maybe it helps that her nostrils flare whenever she lies. Yes, I noticed that ages ago. And she thinks she’s such a great liar too.

Mia said something about alfalfa sprouts but Lilly just kept on rambling on about Mia and Josh. Then, the word "pregnant" came out of Lilly’s mouth and my eyes widened.


With Josh Richter’s baby?


So, I was just listening in instead of working on Crackhead, my webzine. I mean, if the girl that I’m in love with is pregnant with another guy’s baby, OF COURSE I’M GOING TO LISTEN IN!! It’s only natural, anyway.

No, okay, I don’t think she’s pregnant. And especially not with that bastard’s baby.

Mia Richter. Amelia Richter. No, Amelia Moscovitz. Mia Moscovitz.

Well, technically if we get married, I’ll have to take her last name.

Michael Renaldo…Not Thermopolis.

But who even said we’re getting married?

I mean, that’ll be in a decade. Or maybe not.

We may never get together.

Yes, optimistic thoughts, Moscovitz.

Still Monday, 11 p.m.

Isn’t it a coincidence that right when I’m thinking about Mia, she logs on?

Well, no, not really. Because I always am. Thinking about her, I mean.

CracKing: What was with you today? It was like you were off in this whole other world or something.

Hopefully, Mia will be able to look past this façade.

FtLouie: I don’t have the slightest idea what you are talking about. Nothing is wrong with me. I’m totally fine.

Mia is such a liar. But I love her anyway.

CracKing: Well, I had the impression that you didn’t hear a word that I said about negative slopes.

FtLouie: I heard everything you said about negative slopes. Given slope m, +y-intercept (0,b) equation y+mx+b Slope-intercept.

Yes, I am so sure, Mia.

CracKing: WHAT??

FtLouie: Isn’t that right?

CracKing: Did you copy that out of the back of the book?

And then she logged off without responding.

So I took that as a definite yes.

Still Monday, 12:15 a.m.


Why can’t you see?

My love for you

Is strong and free

And this poem of mine

Really, really sucks

Oh yeah…

A/N: What did you think of this chapter? Please review! )

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