Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chapter Seven: you’re a sun child

The Crackhead Chronicles

Chapter Seven: you’re a sun child

A/N: Okay, serious lack of reviews. Oh, and Fizzie-lizzie, what typo? If you’re talking about his age, I was reading Princess in Pink and it stated that Michael was seventeen. So, that was after his birthday and so I really need to correct Crackhead in Love. Please review, even if it’s negative!

Monday, October 13, lunch

Lilly is a mad, mad woman.

Girl, I mean.

The whole school is plastered with Boycott Ho’s Deli posters.



The hell I will.

I feel so bad for Mia. Since her fight with Lilly, she’s been walking around…all alone.

Oh wait, she’s sitting with that girl with the bodyguard. Tina? Or something? She’s the daughter of this really wealthy oil well owner. I think.

Okay, Tina has gotten up from the table and Mia is now reading the back of Tina’s book. She’s looking pretty lonely.

I wish I could get the courage to go sit with her. But then she’d know that I like her.

And now Lana Weinberger, Josh Richter, and their "posse" are by Mia.

Lana’s probably being a bitch. Not that she’s ever not one.

Five Minutes Later

I saw Lana touch Mia’s head. And I was awfully curious why.

Then, Tina and her bodyguard came back and Tina handed Mia an ice cream cone.

Lana must’ve said something really horrible because the next thing I knew…well…

That Nutty Royale was on Lana’s sweater.

And literally everyone saw this happen. And no one was talking.

It was a rather eerie silence.

Then Lana screamed, "You—You—" Mia seemed overwhelmed by what she had just done. "You—You…Look what you’ve done to my sweater! Look what you’ve done to my sweater!"

Then, Mia rose from her seat and Tina and her bodyguard followed.

As Mia left, I started clapping. Some of my fellow Computer Club members clapped too.

But she didn’t turn back.

Monday, October 13, G & T

Mia is in the principal’s office now.

Guess that the news of the Nutty Royale got around.

I was telling her that how she subtracts is all wrong. Really, her main problem was not writing her numbers neat enough. Plus, she doesn’t keep her notes very organized and she just scribbles them in random places. I informed her that she should keep her Algebra notes in one notebook.

Also, she seems to have some trouble with concentrating.

I was fully, fully aware of my hand touching hers whenever I pulled her pencil away and said, "No, like this, Mia."

Notice that I said Mia. Not Thermopolis.

Halfway through the tutoring, my knee gently touched hers.

And I could feel my heart rate steadily pacing.

But I don’t think I made too big of a fool out of myself.


Later on Monday

I just really remembered that the Cultural Diversity Dance is this Saturday.

The one question tugging my mind is:

Does Mia have a date to the dance??

Normally, I would be opposed to going to the dance.

They’re just not my thing.

But it would be pretty cool to be there…with Mia…

Yes. Definitely.

You know, I think I’m going to be brave for once.

I’ll ask Mia to the dance.

Oh, who the hell am I kidding?

Tuesday, October 14

Today in G & T, I complimented Mia on her handling of the whole Weinberger Incident, as I call it.

"It’s all over school. How you decimated Lana in front of Josh, I mean," I said, smiling. "Your locker is right next to Josh’s, isn’t it?"

"Yes, it is," Mia said. Her gray eyes were looking even more beautiful than usual. Which I didn’t think was possible. I said how that must’ve been awkward but she said not really, since Lana seemed to be avoiding that area lately and Josh never talked to her anyway.

But then she said, "Is Lilly still saying mean things about me?"

"She’s never said mean things about you. She just doesn’t understand why you blew up at her like that.

"Michael, she’s always putting me down! I just couldn’t take it anymore. I have too many other problems without having friends who aren’t supportive of me."

I laughed. "What kind of problems could you have?" And, I mean, it’s true.

Mia’s just not one to have too many problems.

"I’m flunking Algebra, I have detention for a week, and I recently woke up to see Mr. Gianini in his boxer shorts eating breakfast with my mom," Mia said without stopping for air.

"I guess you do have some problems after all." Then I noticed Mia staring past me, probably at Lilly. Or Boris.

I’d rather think that she was looking at Lilly.

Then, I figured that it was the time…I needed to be assertive to get what…or rather who…I wanted.

"So, are you grounded?"

She gave me a funny look. "You mean for getting detention? No, of course not. My mom is totally on my side. My dad wants to sue the school." I took a breath and looked her straight in the eye.

"Oh. Well, I was wondering because, if you aren’t busy Saturday, I thought maybe we could—"

But then Mrs. Hill just had to come in and ask us all to fill out these questionnaires for the Ph.D. she is doing on youth violence. And then the bell rang and Mia ran out, looking pretty anxious to leave.

I felt my heart drop; she probably wanted to avoid rejecting me all together so she wouldn’t have to hurt my feelings.

And that is because she is the sweetest girl I have ever known.

And that is why I love her.

Wow, now that I have really admitted it to myself, maybe I can admit my affections to her.

Yes. In a few years.

Or not.

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