Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chapter Eight: why must I be a teenager in love?

Crackhead in Confusion

Chapter Eight: why must I be a teenager in love?


Thursday, October 30, Lunch

Okay. Am I obsessed with Mia? Because it really seems like I am sometimes. She’s mostly all I ever think about, all I ever write songs about, all I ever dream about (okay, not that part because last night I had a dream that the rock-eating monster in The Neverending Story was about to throw rocks at me but then Atreyu came to the rescue).

Well, anyway, cousin Hank from Versailles didn’t come to school again today. Boris seemed much, much happier when he learned that Hank wasn’t there. It’s kind of sad, really. Boris can get envious if Lilly even hands a pencil or something to another guy. There’s a fine line between utter devotion and flat-out stalking.

Dinner at the Moscovitz apartment was very forced last night. Mom and Dad didn’t want to pry directly into where Lilly had been when school was in session but it was very obvious in the rough way that they cut their steak that they were undeniably curious. But Lilly wouldn’t talk (which is really hard to believe because she never shuts up). Mom asked if Lilly was still dating that fine young man, Boris, and Lilly assured her that she was. But then why was she gone with Hank for so long? Do I really want to know what they’re doing?

Oh. Bad mental images.

So, what else is there to write? Oh, yes. Ms. Castelli quit. Yes, that’s right: Ms. Sharon Castelli, the AP English class (which, I suppose, isn’t very advanced because the class does include Gwen Shayne) teacher, ever the free spirit, has quit so she could "find her soul." I believe that those are her exact words, according to Principal Gupta. Mrs. Margery Weinstein is now the teacher. She reminds me vaguely of Mrs. Hill; when I went up to ask a question about the English assignment, I could see her flipping through the latest issue of Cosmo.

Yes. Cosmo. And she seems to be older than fifty.

More bad mental images.

Thursday, October 30, G & T

Oh, what is that?

Oh! Lilly and Hank are missing? AGAIN?!

When I entered the classroom, Mia was looking panicky so obviously, I knew something was up. I asked her about it and she said that Lilly and Hank were missing again. She said that Lilly claimed to be having horrible cramps (something I really didn’t need to know). Then she said that she had just gotten a call from her mom’s mom, telling her that Hank was gone.

Oh, great. All I can think about now are Lilly and Hank doing God knows what on the observation deck of the Empire State Building or something. So, assuming by the way Boris so cheerfully entered the classroom, it was obvious he didn’t know that Lilly and Hank had disappeared yet again. And, I (and the rest of the G & T class) found that this was for the better. We don’t want him to start playing Mahler again. So, everyone is being careful not to comment on how coincidental that Hank and Lilly are missing at the same time.

As a precaution, I showed him a computer game called Decapitate the Backstreet Boy that I made for computer class. You can hurl weapons like knives and axes at members of the Backstreet Boys. After you beat the first level, you can cut off the heads of other boy bands such as New Kids on the Block and ‘N Sync. The person who gets the highest score can carve their initials into Ricky Martin’s chest. And I only got a B on it because Mr. Moore felt that it wasn’t violent enough for today’s market.

So, basically he was encouraging us to make extremely violent games. Good times.

Mrs. Hill is letting us talk today, which hasn’t been allowed ever since the interview with Mia aired. I had an unfortunately brief talk with Mia about the situation but that’s all I’ve really said to her all day, except for asking her in the morning where Hank was.

Thursday, October 30, 5 p.m.

Of course she came home, acting like absolutely nothing had happened…like she hadn’t just missed school again to go out on some tryst with Mia’s cousin, Hank. No, she acted all superior and worthy, which caused me great frustration. There’s something about Lilly that annoys me more than anything else. Oh, yeah, it must be the fact that she’s my sister. There must be some unwritten law that says that you must absolutely not get along with your siblings. And we don’t.

Anyway, I picked up my Halloween costume for Rocky Horror tomorrow. The whole computer club (excluding Judith who said that she can’t come because she has the flu…Oh, I’m so saddened…whoa, that sounded mean) is going as a troop of WWII soldiers. We’re wearing fatigues covered in fake blood and phony stumps in place of our limbs. Suzanne is even making a sign that says Looking for Private Ryan. Ha ha.

So, now I am drinking sour Kool Aid (yes, Kool Aid) and listening to "Eagles" by Rooney. I wonder what Mia’s costume is. Belle from Beauty and the Beast, perhaps? As corny as it is, Mia would look really nice as Belle. Or, actually, in any costume because she’s just so amazing beautiful. Though I know she doesn’t view herself as the gorgeous nymph I think she is. I love her in her entirety, gawkiness and all.

Did I just write that? Yes, yes I did.

Later Thursday

Yeah, Paul and Suzanne? Well, they broke up.

"It was complete mutual," Suzanne said in a softer voice than usual into the phone. "I guess that we just figured that it was better to be friends than a couple. I mean, he’s an excellent kisser and he really knows how to—"



"Too much detail," I said.

"Oh. Sorry," Suzanne said. "So, how are the chickens in the meadow today?" In Suzanne-speak, that basically means ‘So, what’s up with you?’ I replied, "Ah, the chickens are rolling on the ground, surrounded by a stampede of antelope." Which means (I think), ‘Everything’s pretty all right, but I’m just thinking about a lot of things and I’m kind of stressed out.’ Suzanne sounded like she understood and said that she was going to out to Serendipity for a nice, big frozen hot chocolate. She proceeded to ask me if I wanted to come. I thought about it for a second and then agreed. I thought she might need some comforting. Or something, at least.

We met at the subway station and took the metro together. I noticed that her dark honey eyes were lightly streaked with red but I didn’t say anything about it. We entered Serendipity and both got the frozen hot chocolate. And, I think I may have had the longest, most thought provoking conversation ever with Suzanne. When you really get to know her, she seems like the sweetest, smartest (in more than academic ways) person you could ever meet. And she probably is. We’re just really good friends.

"So, how’s your love life, Michael?" Suzanne asked, spooning some of the frozen hot chocolate into her mouth, not seeming to care about the millions of calories in the dessert. That’s another great thing about her: she doesn’t care much for body image and never judges someone based on his or her physical appearance.

If I weren’t so much in love with Mia, I’d probably have a crush on Suzanne.

"Uh, you know," I said nonchalantly, stirring up the drink. "Good, I guess."

"Code for you’re not getting any?" Suzanne teased, smirking.

"Hey! I’m getting…" I paused. "Yeah, okay, maybe you’re right. But that’s purely by choice right now. There’s a girl I have a crush on but she just doesn’t seem to notice."

"Have you tried giving her hints?"

"Yeah," I said with a small sigh. "But she doesn’t seem to notice."

I wish she would.


A/N: The next chapter is the last! Please review!

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