Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chapter Three: I’d Love to Love You

Crackhead in Confusion

Chapter Three: I’d Love to Love You

A/N: Okay, I admit it: Some of your reviews made me giggle. Giggle? Yes, giggle. All of you reviewers are so nice and gorgeous and I love you all! (Insert giggle) Okay, just wanted to say thank you for making me smile every time I open my mailbox and see a new review. D Oh, and thanks for not thinking it sucks too badly. Ha ha.

Thursday, October 23

Okay, I sent her a get-well message. It took me about fifteen minutes to make it. (What can I say? I work fast…okay, perverted thoughts.) I just hope that she likes it. It shows a cat that’s supposed to be Fat Louie doing a little tap dance. And…I signed it "Love, Michael."

Yes. Love. Because it’s true, isn’t it?

I’m so in love with Mia that it’s gotten rather pathetic.

I smile at the thought of her. I feel my face grow hot whenever she looks at me. I feel my heart pounding extra hard every time my hand touches her when I grab for her pencil.

It’s so nice to be in love. Even though, you know, it might be unrequited.

But I’m hoping not.

Oh, I just got an Instant Message from Felix.

ALT3R3GO: Dude, we broke up.

CracKing: What? You and Lizzy?

ALT3R3GO: No, no. The band.

CracKing: Wow. Really? Why?

ALT3R3GO: Jimmy says that his mom is making him quit the band because he’s been failing Deustch. And there’s no other decent guitar player in school.

Um, I can play the guitar pretty well. Except, of course, only Mia knows about that.

CracKing: Oh. That really sucks.

ALT3R3GO: You’re telling me.

And then he logged off. Felix isn’t much for greetings or saying goodbye, I suppose. Maybe I could offer to play in his band. Well, actually, I’m hoping to keep this whole instrument-playing thing a secret. Plus, I might want to start my own band in the near future.

Boris has been playing some new music on his violin. Apparently, it’s Bartok. I haven’t passed out yet but I’m guessing it’s only a matter of time…It’s not that Boris is bad at playing the violin (on the contrary, he’s amazing), but he just chooses the most annoying pieces to play.

I was flipping through The Atom, the school newspaper, when I came across this article:

Frisson and Fruit Flies: An Interview with Judith Gershner

By Melanie Greenbaum

Recently, I was able to conduct an interview with Judith Gershner cloner of fruit flies (she did this and won last year’s science fair). This is a very exclusive interview and can only be found in The Atom.

The Atom: Hello, Judith Gershner. Thank you for doing this interview with us at The Atom.

Judith Gershner: Oh, um, no problem. I’m happy to oblige.

TA: So, I understand that you cloned fruit flies last year for the Albert Einstein High School Annual Biomedical Technology Fair. How is this done, exactly?

JG: Well, it’s a rather difficult process. First, you have to—

TA: Is it true that you have a crush on a certain fellow Computer Club member of yours?

JG: W-What? Wait, I thought this interview was supposed to be purely about sci—

TA: Please just answer the question, Judith.

JG: Well, okay, fine. The answer is (pause) no.

TA: I noticed you paused before you answered. So, I am assuming that you are not being entirely truthful.

JG: I, uh, have to go now.

Very productive, huh?

Friday, October 24, Homeroom


I was happy to learn this when Mia and Lars rode over in Mia’s limo. Lilly said that she thought it might be…okay if I came along, though she didn’t look very happy at the fact that her older brother was tagging along. Hey, I did need a ride. I mean, I could’ve driven myself if I had a car (and if anyone in New York actually had a car).

I casually said hello and she said hi back. I was wondering if she was going to comment about the virtual card I made for her but she didn’t. Actually, at the breezy way she said hello, I was afraid that maybe she hadn’t even gotten the card. Oh, no. Mia probably thought the Love at the end of the letter was completely platonic. But…it wasn’t.

I asked her, in the limo, if she had seen Tuesday’s episode of Buffy. She smiled, nodded, and said that she did and what did I think of it. This started a rather heated discussion and it continued as we came out of the limo and headed into the school. I was so caught up in the conversation that I forgot to act all cool and debonair.

Ha ha. Like I could ever be cool or debonair.

I can hear Gwen Shayne murmuring to one of her equally snotty friends.

"Oh my God, did you hear about that party Reese is throwing?" Gwen said cattily. "Like, it’ll probably be a geekfest! I heard that there were going to be freshmen there. I mean, like, ew."

"Well, duh, Josh’s girlfriend is a freshman," Cindy Halter said just as nastily. "Oh my God, she thinks she’s so cool but if she wasn’t dating Josh, she’d just be another little freshman geek."

"Yeah! I know."

What has happened to society?

Friday, October 24, French


Seriously. I had to go to the nurse’s office to ask for an ibuprofen. But she just said how that would be a violation of the school drug code. Ibuprofen. Is it really that dangerous? In the end, I trudged back to G & T and Mia gave me some of her codeine cough syrup, which cleared my headache right up.

Just before I left to go to the nurse’s office, Mia started talking about…mail.

Lilly was rambling on about her stupid show, Lilly Tells It Like It Is. Mia asked her if she was still receiving a lot of fan mail from her stalker/obsessed foot-fetish fan, Norman. Then, Mia mentioned that she had received some very intriguing mail lately. Then, without looking up from my keyboard, I think she was looking at me.

But I wasn’t exactly sure.

I hope she was though.

Later Friday

I am trying to do my best here.

Why, Sharon, WHY? Why must you give us innocent (snort) seniors such cruel, personal assignments?

Why does she want to know my favorite shoe brand? She gave up a list of questions she wants us to answer.

So, I guess I’ll just have to answer them.

Even if I really, really don’t want to.

Damn you, Sharon. Or maybe you’re not supposed to spite your teachers in your journal.

Who knows?

Favorite Color: Blue. And red. And black. You know, there are just so many, I can just pick one. I hope that’s okay, Sharon.

Favorite Fruit and Vegetable: Favorite fruit? Strawberries, I guess. And my favorite vegetable? Well, I guess I like carrots.

Favorite Movie: All of the Star Wars movies. Okay, I can’t just pick one for this either. They’re just all so good.

Favorite Musical Genre: Indie and rock, I suppose. Very into Adam Green, Bright Eyes, BK, (Ben Kweller), The Thrills, The Shins, The Stills, The Moldy Peaches, The Beatles (I was raised on them…as any good child was), Azure Ray, Ramones, Rooney…and well, just a lot of different bands.

Favorite Book: Wow. Okay, I’ve read a lot of books in my sixteen years and yet again, I don’t have just one pick. I rather liked Catcher in the Rye. Lots and lots of curse words.

Favorite Food: Scones. No, pancakes, pizza, pasta. Just a lot of foods that start with "P."

Conformity, Yes or No? NO! I am totally against conformity, especially if you wish to conform to one of those mind sucking, garden bush waving, hair flipping demons. In other words, if you wish to become a cheerleader.

Favorite Actor: Harrison Ford

Favorite Actress: Sarah Michelle Gellar

Random Childhood Memory: I have many memories of pancakes and receiving kicks from my younger sister, Lilly. I wish not to delve any deeper into my personal history than that.

First Kiss: I am not at liberty to discuss that. Thank you very much.

Role Model/s: My parents, I suppose. We have instilled a "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy. It has worked out rather well for the last ten years.

A/N: Bad, bad, badness!

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